Vegan Choc Chip Cookies

pay it forwards
Recipes — Vegan
3 min readMay 14, 2019

The method is nothing special. Just whisk all of the wet ingredients before adding the dry. But there is one important extra step: the dough should be refrigerated for at least 12 hours to help the flour hydrate. A 36-hour rest in the fridge is used in restaurants, but because this cookie dough has no egg or butter to slow down the hydration, 12 hours is enough.

These vegan chocolate chip cookies are everything you could ever want in a chocolate chip cookie recipe; soft, chewy, and a melt-in-your-mouth taste like regular chocolate chip cookies. How is it possible that these vegan cookies taste so much like traditional chocolate chip cookies? Because they’re made with traditional chocolate chip cookie ingredients! They’re easy to make, use basic ingredients, and are great for gifts, lunchboxes or parties.

Where can I buy vegan chocolate?
You can find vegan chocolate chips at many regular grocery stores, usually in the organic or ‘free from’ section. Other good places to look include whole foods and local health food stores or Amazon. If you can’t find vegan chocolate chips then just chop up a vegan chocolate bar to make your own chips! Some packages say “may contain milk” on the label, because the chocolate chips are made in a factory where non-vegan products are also produced. Most vegans still consider these products to be vegan, but of course, it’s an individual choice

If you’d like to freeze the dough to have on hand whenever a choco chip cookie craving hits, simply roll into balls after you’ve rested the dough, and freeze in an airtight container for up to three months. When ready to bake, there’s no need to thaw the choc chip cookie dough first. Just add an additional 1–2 minutes to the cooking time.

Instead of vegan butter, this recipe is made with coconut oil, but if you’re not a fan of coconut flavour make sure that you select refined coconut oil, which has a neutral scent and flavour. But if you like coconut go with the non-refined. If you REALLY love coconut go with the non-refined and also try adding 50g of desiccated coconut to the mix!

Climate can affect the shape and texture of the results, and after a few batches, you’ll get to know the small tweaks you need to make to get consistent cookies every time. The main thing is that they taste ridiculously good no matter what the climate.

The cooking time depends on the size, so you’ll need to use your own judgement a little. if you make small cookies they will take about 8–11 minutes and if you make large ones they will take about 11–18 mins. They should look slightly brown but a little underdone when they’re ready. If for whatever reason the cookies don’t spread enough (climate can play a huge role), just press down with a spoon after baking. If you want a cookie that’s crisper on the outside and still chewy in the middle then you’ll need to increase the temperature of your oven slightly — not the baking time.

Cool the cookies for at least 15 mins before removing from the baking sheet, to allow them to firm up a bit before you eat them — don’t worry they’ll still be warm and gooey when you bite down.

Originally published at



pay it forwards
Recipes — Vegan

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