12 Ways to Make Your Birthday Celebration Too-Good-To-Be-True

Ignite the fun you always wanted.

Kalpana Khattri


Photo by Kristaps Ungurs on Unsplash

I turned 25 last weekend. To be exact, on 30th June.

Having friends to make my special day memorable sounds picture-perfect. However, it’s not for everyone. At least not for me, maybe cause I’m a loner.

OR else…

It’s because I’d like to invest all my time in myself, especially on my special day.

I love entertaining myself instead of other people. The idea of being the centre of attention never attracted me.

Mainly cause, I’m surrounded by people to entertain me 364 days a year. And IMHO, it’s the day to entertain oneself, reflect on past achievements and lessons and manifest for a wondrous future.

It is solely my idea of a perfect day and it may not reflect yours. You can generate ideas to make your own perfect day.

If you’re an introvert like me, you feel like I’m your close friend. If you aren’t, you’ll still love to implement these ideas, but with people.

Let's begin…

Dance party in your living room

For me, being around people creates “the fear of being judged”. I have few people with whom I can be more vulnerable.

But… I can be more real to my soul when I am alone. No matter how hard you debate… nobody knows one's real self more than that one person.

Most of the time, I feel like I’m knowing myself better through these kinds of life experiences.

Having a soul, mind and body doesn’t mean you know whole about yourself.

You need to work on it too. Like you worked for your academics, career and hobbies.

So, what would be the best time for your birthday to have the sole time to be as naked to yourself as you can?

Don’t worry about how you look when you dance. Just dance. Feel the bliss. Who cares… Who is there to judge… It's your BDY. Your day. Celebrate your way.

Decorate the room as you want. There's no rule on whether you need some alcohol or people. Only think of what will entertain you.

Trust me, that feeling is the best. I can promise that much.

Write a letter to your future self

Every year, I write a letter, & send it to me on my next birthday or after 10 it 20 years. There’s a website for it called Futureme.org (No, it’s not paid promotion)

I don’t know how it began, but I really felt good when I got the email suddenly on one of my birthdays.

Then, I thought it was a good idea to write a letter to send to myself later and continued doing it every birthday.

Writing made me feel good, but reading it years later gave me goosebumps, reflection, and a tiny little smile on my face.

Visit your favourite restaurant

I heard most people say, “If you want to go so far in life, you must try visiting restaurants and cinemas by yourself first”.

Of course, it’s not the hardest thing to achieve in life.

At least, it shows that you are not afraid of doing the things you like, even if it's only you who is doing it.

Treating yourself to a portion of good food and celebration is the cherry on top. It’s a pleasure to celebrate another year of life with good food (cuz, it’s mandatory, homemade or at a fancy place).

Make yourself a birthday greeting card

You don’t have to fit into the definition of a perfect greeting card of most people.

I made a few pages of my sketchbook into a birthday greeting card this year.

It has opening pages with welcoming words and sketches and the same goes for the body and ending.

It was 4–5 pages long. It feels so good to decorate words with different colours and doodle little pictures in between. I am happy I did it.

I recommend you should try it for your own birthday or just a normal day treat on a special day. Who cares… You’re happy you are here.

Doodle, colour

Doodling is my hobby. I do it often to get back to my inner child. I have a 600–700 paged colouring book.

Colouring feels like therapy. I guess if you want to try a new hobby, you’ll know if it works for you.

And your birthday is a beautiful day to start it.

Coloring and doodling are looked at as it can be done only as a kid or as a professional. No, you can do it as a therapy or as a leisure pleasure.

Smile through the day, do a happy dance

All those 364 days may have been the rollercoaster.

You know you deserve to have the perfect day you always wanted to have, even if it's just a day in a year.

Cheer up… show up a BIC SMILE.

A happy day today takes a latter upward to being the happiest tomorrow.

Take a trip to a place you’ve always wanted to go

Outdoor trips depend on the weather and your mood.

If it’s your preferred weather to go out, the idea of a picnic date in a beautiful park or garden is a good way to spend some quality time with yourself.

Or you can plan some outdoor activities like biking, hiking, kayaking, etc.

I love a short hike to a mountaintop for a warm view.

Spa day

What a special day to receive all the face, body, hair and nail treatments. I haven’t tried it but I think I need to do it on my next birthday.

A typical spa can be traditional or other, depending on the service provider you choose.

You can select from a variety of services, such as facials, massages, mud baths, manicures, pedicures, hair removal, and cold therapy.

Dress up as you always wanted to

Grab that one dress, you waited for a perfect occasion to wear it. Decorate yourself, your home and your garden.

I’m sure most of you’ve been doing it every year. It feels great. (Does it not?)

It does. If you ask me. I started doing it for 1 or 2 years now. I didn’t use to do it before, tbh.

Wearing nice clothes, combing your hair, and getting ready for a good public look is a good way to build confidence in yourself and be attractive to others.

Bake yourself a birthday cake

I have yet to learn baking. I have thought about it for a long time but haven’t put into work for it.

I think buying a cake is great and all.

However, having your cake decorated your way feels different. (Cause, I felt belonged on the things I created, then on the things I bought)

Cake, you made with your own hand with pure love, gives more love to you. Have a great time baking.

Create a personalized self-care day

There is no damn rule.

It can be anything from yoga, meditation, journaling, stretching, etc. Go for it. Go for what your heart aspires to feel alive.

They are some ways to bring peace and calmness into your life.

Do what makes you feel better.

Explore a new hobby

What would be a better day to start than your birthday to take a class on something you’ve always wanted to learn.

Go for a fun adventure where you know nothing about people and style.

Wouldn’t it be fun to explore different universes.

Recap: 12 Ways to Make Your Birthday Celebration Too-Good-To-Be-True.

  1. Have a blast of wild dance in your living room, close your eyes and act as if no one is in this world.
  2. Be as vulnerable to yourself and write a letter to your future self for them to see how far they’ve come. You’ll love to read it years later.
  3. Treat yourself to good food, whether you prefer visiting your favourite restaurant for your favourite meal or showing love to yourself with the food you made.
  4. Decorate a page or two and create a personalized greeting card for yourself as you like it. Your future self will blush reading it.
  5. Have some doodling. It feels like meditation.
  6. What a wonderful day a smile can make. Smile through it. Blush. Spread a smile across the cosmos. Smile outside brings happiness inside.
  7. You always wanted to go on a trip but got no plan yet. Plan it now. It's your day. Surprise yourself in every way possible. Don’t wait for other people to throw one for you.
  8. Your body with thank you for the spa you take, your soul will thank you for making your birthday special.
  9. Dress up, stand up with confidence and feel the power you have over everything you can do.
  10. Baking cake to celebrate and wish for good days feels like a sole date; which is mandatory for a day like this
  11. We all should do self-care daily. But we humans get stuck in the drama. Make it the day you receive extra self-care.
  12. Hobbies always awaken the souls and make you feel alive instead of a being just breathing. Develop new hobbies or give time to your old ones.

If you like to share your idea of a perfect birthday celebration. Feel free to share. I’m all ears.



Kalpana Khattri

Writer/Poet, student, multilingual, researcher, bookworm who believes in self-education. Reach me - kalpanakc219@gmail.com