5 reasons why you should wake up early

All the benefits that I provide in this article will take some time to be reflected, you cannot expect to see drastic changes. So, be patient and watch the outcomes with satisfaction.

Afsha Ayaz
4 min readMar 24, 2022


Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

When someone asks you the right time to wake up in the morning, your most probable answer might be 6:00 a.m, 8:00 a.m, 9:00 a.m, or some night owls might even presume it to be as late as noon. But, most scientists have proven 5:00 a.m to be the perfect time to wake up. Of course, you tend to wake up early only when you have some work to do. Why would you wake up at 5:00 a.m if it is a holiday and you have almost nothing to do? To be honest, I am a night owl and I prefer working at night. I don’t like waking up early. I only wake up early when I have exams, else I wake up at my regular time. Now that we know the right time to wake up, let’s get into the benefits of rising early morning.

  1. Enhanced Productivity:

Rising early helps you complete the tasks that you procrastinate every day. When we wake up early, we tend to complete the work in a much more organized manner. In this way, you have a high possibility of growing your intellectual skills and enhancing your productive hours. You have the time to work upon your goals while the rest of the world is asleep. Unlike other days, you should have a day in a week when you wake up early and complete the pending work of the entire week.

2. Healthy Routine:

When you wake up before sunrise, you fall asleep quickly. You need not count the stars in the night sky. Our ancestors have always advised us to sleep early and rise early. This is not just an old wives’ tale because it has been proven true scientifically too. Following healthy sleep patterns is an essential role in the development of your inner soul.

3. Health Repairment:

Inadequate sleep might result in the lowering of blood pressure (BP), immune system, and worsening brain functions. Waking up early gives you the time to repair your body and bring the inner soul in sync. You also get sufficient time to improve your mood. In this way, you are more likely to be much concentrated than before. One should keep a track of their sleeping hours and compare it with the past few days. This will give them an idea about the achievements they have made in the past few days.

4. Be more focused: (30 days challenge)

I would suggest you to wake up before sunrise every day for a month. I have tried this myself and to be true, I have seen a lot of changes in myself. I am quite satisfied with the outcomes I’ve gained. Once you wake up for a week, using the alarm; trust me you won’t require alarm clocks from the next day. You will be in a habit of waking up around the same time ever after.

5. Connection to your purpose:

If I were to ask you about the first thing you do after waking up, majiority of the answers would be “Brushing Teeth”, “Drinking water”or “Going to the washroom”. The right answer to my question might be any of these, all of these, and even more. When you wake up before others wake up, you are the only person with yourself. It is the perfect time to get yourself known. Like me, most people love reading biographies and autobiographies and get inspiration from other people’s life. But, don’t you feel like writing one? Morning hours are the best hours to discover yourself. You need to shine before the sun does.

Lastly, if you would like to have a quick recap of all the above mentioned benefits of waking up early, you can always refer the infographic given below :)

Infographic provided by author

Thank you for reading this post, hope to see you soon!



Afsha Ayaz

I am a school student from Mumbai who is a passionate writer. Here to share my knowledge with the world!