5 Ways to Beat Loneliness

Are you digitally connected but still feeling lonely? These strategies can help.

Valorie Lasley


Photo by Anthony Intraversato on Unsplash

The great irony is that even though we are increasingly “connected” — on social media, video calling, and messaging — we feel lonelier than ever. And even though we may use technology to feel more connected, it may be exactly what’s leading us to feel lonely. That’s why it’s more important than ever to use these anti-loneliness strategies.

1. Connect face-to-face

Connecting in real life may not be as easy as it once was. We often default to using our smartphones — it’s easier and culturally accepted. But we can decrease our loneliness if we build stronger face-to-face connections. We do this by looking people in the eyes, listening, being mindful, and choosing not to be distracted by our phones or other technologies. Even if we must connect face-to-face over video rather than in person, we can benefit from being able to witness social cues and keeping other technologies muted.

2. Be active online

Instead of passively surfing the net or your social media, opting instead to do something that involves the active participation of other people. For example, you could play games with others, chat about something you care about, give advice on a forum, or have a video call…



Valorie Lasley

Wife, mother, sister, writer, author, educator. I love to write and teach. I am an abuse recovery expert. I educate others about growing into wellness.