6 reasons to visit Marseille

Beautiful Places in Marseille that go against some of the city’s preconceptions!

Yvonne Laframboise


Marseille: Photo by Florian Wehde on Unsplash

Yes, we’ve heard often that Marseille is the most dangerous city in France.

However, as I’ve seen myself in the last three weeks of my semester abroad, it has so many pretty areas and viewpoints worth a visit!

Plus, the dangerous parts are very much centered in the northern districts. In the central areas, it’s similar to other big cities.

Marseille is right at the coast and offers a wide selection of places to visit and regular community events, which makes it a great place to spend a holiday!

Here are some beautiful places to visit in Marseille:

1. Calanques

Calanques of Cassis: Photo Taken by the Author

One of the most unique parts of Marseille is the National Park of the Calanques.

These rock formations can be found right at the coast — stretching all the way from Marseille to the smaller (and very beautiful) town of Cassis.

The region the Calanques are in is called Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur — Départements Bouches-du-Rhône.



Yvonne Laframboise

Medical student - loving to write about medical stuff, travel and life . Become a Medium member: https://medium.com/@yvonnelaframboise/membership