7 Writers Leading the Way in Read-for-Read Movement
Let’s help each other increase our reads
What is the Read-for-Read Club?
It’s simple, instead of follow-for-follow it is read for read.
As Natasha Nichole Lake stated so beautifully,
“There are so many benefits to a “read-for-read” relationship.”
Why should I join?
Instead of just views, you get actual reads which improves your read ratio too.
How does this work?
By reading multiple articles from each person and connecting with people who got to know me too because they read so many of my articles.
Who will participate?
If you clap, highlight, leave me a comment, or leave a link on the article. Others will do the same for your articles. Maybe even tag the reader in the article like Perri Michelle did
“The Read-for-Read Club and its Devoted Members”