About Me And My Two Years At Medium 🙏🏼
Greetings to all my Medium friends with love❤️
My two years at Medium
Greetings dear friends! 🙏🏼Sending you all lots of love ❤️
I am Dr.Preeti Singh and am completing my 2nd anniversary on Medium on the 15th of September 2022.
All I can say is, that I never expected that time will fly so fast.🪁
I made several good connections. By good connections I mean like-minded people who believe in reciprocity and uplifting other people.
I like to spread love and joy to everyone as I have an attitude of being an eternally happy person.
People ask me how I am eternally happy.
There are good and bad moments in everyone’s life and each one of us has challenges. People might think I am faking it.
But can anyone fake happiness? No never.
What motivates and inspires me? This is my favorite quote and it inspires me.
“With happiness and a feeling of calmness, I can surpass and surmount my challenges, struggle with my inner self and use my energy to have a positive attitude to be happy”- Preeti Singh