Everyone needs it, so do you

All I Need, Is Just A Little Nudge

Push me!



Photo by Tom Fisk: https://www.pexels.com/photo

Years ago, a scene from a movie made its permanent home in my brain. One of the characters in it has gone skydiving with his friends and he is the only one unable to jump. Frozen with fear, he asks the instructor to push him off the plane. His wish is granted and we see him take the dive in the next 3 seconds.

Farhan asking to be pushed — a screenshot

Many times we want to jump, but we want someone to push us. I want to speak a little about what and how can we assist ourselves to jump into the unknown.

Listen to your heart!

It’s a cliché, but a good one. When you listen to your heart you know the direction, you know where to go, and you know exactly how to reach it. But listening to the heart is not going to be an easy task. There is an eternal conflict with the mind.

So, a close and intimate relationship with yourself is at the core of any jump, any major leap in your life.

How you do that, is totally your call again. Stop looking for answers outside of you. Whether you choose to meditate, take a walk four days a week, splash colours on drawing books, dance, move, or breath, it is all up to you. Tune in and listen to the body, and the body will inform your heart.

Take it easy on the perfection — Let go!

If you miss jumping in, for this trek, do not punish yourself and label yourself as lazy or indecisive. You chose to let it go, know that.

It’s a challenging time, and maybe you do not need a difficult trek right now. You need to be where you are. Whatever decision or choice you make just do not be harsh on yourself. You are doing your best already. The last thing you need is “You judging yourself”.

Forgive yourself

Again, looks like I am in a big mood to flood you with clichés.

Ask yourself, how long will you punish yourself for all the missed opportunities, relationships and people you let go of? Just how long are you going to brood and languish in those thoughts of ‘what if’?

How long is the question, you need to ask yourself right now, time flies and before you know you are a bitter person with a lot of anger towards the self, which in turn is projected on your loved ones. So, forgive yourself.

Chase the right things

We all love instant gratification. We do not want to take the longer route, answer the deeper questions about existence, and have difficult conversations about our relationships, our wavering minds, and our deep anguish about life.

Maybe its time to have the tough talk.

Think deeply and passionately

The world needs our passion and depth right now. The world needs to see and experience our care for it right now. Let's show up and care.

Organize a ‘sound bath’ ritual for our colleagues; organize a picnic at the nearest museum for our neighbourhood kids. Take our grandparents to the aquarium or the planetarium. Show up for childhood dreams.

Be open

What does it mean to remain open? Being open I think is a quality a person reflects when he/she is in the receiving mode of life. When I am receptive to other humans, and other living beings, I take suggestions, I listen attentively, and I participate and engage with the world around me.

Strike a balance

We all have too many ideas. And wish that we could work on every idea we ever thought of, but think about it. Can we? Is it wise? Is it doable?

I have noticed that whenever I strike a balance and chose one direction at a time, I am usually going somewhere. When I go in multiple directions, I get lost.

Slow down, enjoy the views; have a good time

There is no FOMO, (fear of missing out) breathe a little, everything is happening. Slow is the new superpower; to hell with the class teacher who shamed me for being slow. Being slow and steady is a gift if used well.

So while you push yourself, and be your own best friend, let me know how you did it and how you made friends with your own yourself, how you stopped looking for someone to come and push you! I shall be waiting to hear your story.

Ps — While I was writing this article, I was also reading through some really special writers here. Here is one. 👇 Bill Grams-Byrne

Ariel Fabrega writes this uplifting story of hope during the festive season. I was so moved. 👇

Laura Valenti writes about embracing the inner child and the wounds. 👇 Loved her writing and sharing.




I am on Medium, to write and be part of a fantastic ever-evolving writer community. Email — neets.miss@gmail.com