Climate Can Cause the Seasons to Change for Better or Worse
Nature prompt “changing seasons” for 3rd week of February:
I have learned to appreciate and embrace the rhythms and seasonal changes in nature. Change is a constant entity. Nothing remains the same on this earth. The seasons are not what I remember from childhood anymore. We must learn to adapt to this new normal. Change forces us to be resilient.
Generations before us have had to confront seasonal changes to survive. We can learn from their example. Complaining about the weather solves nothing. Last week’s prompt about rivers taught us to go with the flow.
I need change in my life. External variations exhilarate me. They stimulate my imagination and are a source of wonder. If everything stays the same, we tend to become complacent.
Beauty is the only thing that time cannot harm. Philosophies fall away like sand, creeds follow one another, but what is beautiful is a joy for all seasons, a possession for all eternity. — Oscar Wilde
Spring is one of my favorite seasons.