How To Survive Cyberattacks

Do You Know These Cyber Attack Survival Strategies?

Things you never knew about cyber attacks

Patrick OConnell
Published in
5 min readApr 13, 2022


a computer screen displaying lines of program code
Photo by Sai Kiran Anagani on Unsplash

If an unknown entity or organization tries to disable your electronic device or steal your data stored on the device in an unethical manner not authorized by you, this is called a cyber attack.

For example, hackers can use ransomware to block access to computers or data in exchange for money, use spyware to copy data from your hard drive, and steal passwords and credit card numbers using phishing techniques. [Sources: 2, 10]

You will need a prepared plan of action, a plan for surviving an emergency in cities from cyberattacks. A cyberattack could potentially take the form of a computer virus that weakens the entire nation’s Internet infrastructure.

You might think that shutting down the entire system would control the cyberattack, but no. If a protected company like Twitter can succumb to a cyberattack, your company will inevitably face this threat as well. [Sources: 2, 4, 10]

As an organization, it is important to inform your community of any cybersecurity attack where personal information is at risk in order to maintain that relationship. It is also necessary to make business decisions taking into account all…



Patrick OConnell

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