Philosophical and Theological Writers are Valuable Resources

Deep thinking is important in the search for meaning and contemplating our current state of affairs

Martin Von Mars
4 min readApr 13, 2022


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Time Constraints
I haven’t published in a while. It isn’t that my enthusiasm has waned, but my writing and reading time have become constrained. My recent time expenditure has been on several projects.

First, is a complete re-design of my niche business website. Actually I hired a developer for a fairly intensive project, only to find, out after 7 months, that he was unable to complete the project. So I have taken it on personally. I’m not a developer, but I have some experience with WordPress and a very rudimentary knowledge of coding. I may not end up with the advanced technology that I originally expected, but it will be a workable solution, plus I can maintain it myself. And what I am learning about web development and e-commerce will have future benefits for other projects and perhaps for other people. Knowledge is power. Plus, I saved a lot of money.

Second, it is tax time in the US. I had a pipe dream that this would be the first time in 20 years I would file taxes on time, without filing an extension, thus relieving the annual October stress. But it isn’t looking good. This may not be the year.

Third, some of my favorite reading, thinking, and writing subjects are philosophy and theology. I spend a lot of time reading and contemplating. However, I have faced the reality that I am under-educated to adequately appreciate many of the concepts and references. While an extensive education isn’t necessarily required for rational thought or philosophical musings of a general nature, it is necessary to be able to read and understand the writings and specific references of others. I’ve reached a point where I feel I should further my education. So, I am undertaking a lot of study on these matters to independently further my education. Particularly on the ancient Greek philosophers, as well as early Christian theology. I’m devoting quite a bit of time to this. It will definitely be a benefit to my reading, both on and off Medium, and hopefully will also be a benefit to my future writing.

An Impetus
I’m currently reading some of the works of David Bentley Hart. He explores philosophical and theological matters in great depth, and his writing has been a major impetus for my pursuit of philosophical education. The extent of his education and the depth of his expertise is evident. His obscure references, academic vocabulary, and abstruse communication style can make for some ambitious reading. But I find it compelling and want to learn more. He doesn’t write on Medium but has an excellent publication on Substack: Leaves in the Wind.

One of my favorite books is Roland in Moonlight. In it, Hart covers many of his philosophical perspectives in a very enjoyable narrative. A tale of a man and his dog. The story is a fun read in and of itself. Warm and humorous, even without delving into the philosophical depths. But the secrets of the universe might be here to discover with concentrated effort. Maybe.

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A Question
A big question: Is it possible for a 61 year old to acquire a well-rounded philosophical and theological education through self-study, while simultaneously learning web development, running a business, and taking care of 5 acres while starting a sizable vegetable garden? I think so. It’s all enjoyable to me, so why not? We shall see. But, I need to up my game. Time management needs to be on point, and I have some work to do there.

Awesome Medium Writers in Philosophy and Religion
Here are several writers on Medium I enjoy in this space. I’ll only highlight one article, but all of these authors have a wealth of good material.

James Cussen has many great articles, especially on 19th & 20th century philosophy. His first article I ran across:

Gerald R. Baron has some nice work on philosophy and religion. Here is the first article in a great series on the nature of Christ:

Prudence Louise covers philosophy, religion, and spirituality. Her latest article (I hope to see more):

Graham Pemberton covers spirituality and philosophy among other things. Here is the first of what looks to be an interesting series:

I hope to ultimately be able to contribute to the general discussion.

And while on the topic of ancient and modern philosophy…

… it is only appropriate to show this intense competition between Greek and German philosophers.



Martin Von Mars

Seeking to thrive in the physical, mental, and spiritual dimensions.