Help!!! I May Be Missing the Consistency Gene.

Embarking on a quest to finish what I start

Deola - The Bodacious You


Photo by Eden Constantino on Unsplash

The heading is a blend of my tendency for the dramatic and a sincere plea for a prescription — a remedy, to the inconsistency bug that’s plagued me for as long as I can remember — because the only thing I’m consistent at, is being inconsistent.

It’s a relentless bug, one that ensures my best-laid plans turn out to be nothing more than a tangled web of starts and stops. Within my Medium Stories folder sits one of many proofs — 38 published stories with 49 in draft, not to mention numerous half-written posts scattered across my computer.

If consistency were a gene, it seems I missed the memo on its activation. Join me on this quest for a prescription to cure my chronic inconsistency — it might just be the remedy we all need.

Documenting my journey to freedom

I’ll be embarking on a journey of soul-searching and research, documenting the highs and lows here — assuming I can maintain the consistency necessary to make it worthwhile.

I’m someone with a variety of interests and a multitude of ideas. I am drawn to a diverse range of pursuits, and the challenge lies in maintaining focus on a single endeavour long enough to witness its full potential…



Deola - The Bodacious You

Heart Writer | On a mission to make the world a better place with words. Let's stay connected -