How to Stay Motivated When You Don’t Feel Like Trying

Do you have what it takes to create a winning mindset to be a champion?



Mind with colors and half face.
Created by Evon in canva

When it comes to achieving success, many people think that in order to be a champion, you have to have the right mindset. This means being motivated and driven every day, no matter what.

However, this is not always easy to do. In fact, sometimes it can feel downright impossible.

We all want to be the best we can be.

It’s easy to feel like you’re not good enough or that you’re falling behind, especially when you compare yourself to others. But you are a champion and you have everything it takes to be successful.

When I was young, I was a follower, not a leader. When people told me I couldn’t do something, I believed them.

This mindset followed me throughout my younger self until I realized that if I wanted to achieve anything, I had to change my mindset and become a champion.

Writing my recent stories and reading The Salt Path book caused me to pause and reflect on my life.

As a teenager, I was very driven. I wanted to be successful more than anything. So, I set my goals…




My incurable “idiotic” autoimmune disease inspired me to write and inspire others to live extraordinary lives while allowing my voice to be heard. Love Laughing