Art | Music | Life

How Vincent Van Gogh and Don McLean Rescued Me

After I Couldn’t Get My Family Tickets to See Taylor Swift in Concert

Connie Song


Vincent Van Gogh Self-Portrait Painting in Straw Hat on

You probably cannot understand the level of my disappointment that I won’t be able to take my two young god-daughters to see Taylor Swift in concert.

It is the one thing on earth that their youthful hearts desire, and I must admit, I do love dancing with them to the beat of Taylor’s music.

But there reaches a point where I can no longer wear the shoes of fairy godmother.

And trust me, these kids are not spoiled brats, nor used to having things handed to them. They do not walk around with a sense of entitlement or privilege. Still, everyone has their dreams. Even when the money is tight.

I wish Taylor Swift concerts were more accessible to the masses, but that’s not the way I see it.

The day the system crashed

Even before the ticket service crashed, I was dismayed to see the prices of concert tickets.

A friend told me she spotted tickets for $149 each. Expensive enough, and maybe I should have my head examined, but I was beyond ecstatic, thinking this concert would bring once-in-a-lifetime magic and goosebumps. Realistically, though, in my heart, I knew this price was —
I M P O S S I B L E.

If these “affordable” tickets ever existed, they would be long gone by now. Darn those greedy, speedy bots.

Here’s what happened — I could not find available tickets for below $849 each. And the seats were not the best — high up in the nose-bleed section.

Honestly, I think something needs to be done about ticket prices. In my lifetime, I have attended a number of concerts for a lot less than this insanity.

Life goes on

Thankfully, I’m over it, (I’ll just shake it off), but now my thoughts turn to certain things I want so desperately for the younger generation. I want their lives to be enriched with music and art … with magic and goosebumps.

Quite by accident

Quite by accident today, as I was scrolling on my laptop, I came across Sunflowers and some works of art by Vincent Van Gogh. I learned a little bit more about his life.

Then, I came across the song, Vincent, aka Starry, Starry Night by Don McLean.

Here’s the ballad with some of Vincent Van Gogh’s artwork.

It transformed my whole perspective today. It is something I want to share with my god-daughters — the power and beauty of the artwork, maybe take in a museum and some lunch. Music. Maybe listen to some of the songs of someone like Don McLean, who also wrote Bye-Bye Miss American Pie.

Somehow, I feel emotionally rescued right now. And for a lot less than $849 in the nose-bleed seats.

I would love to hear what you think.

Check out the ballad and artwork:

© Connie Song 2022. All Rights Reserved.



Connie Song

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