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I Called in an Angel..

Suzie Alexander
Published in
3 min readJan 20, 2023


And lo and behold, She Appeared!

The last few days I have been watching a video series featuring Kyle Gray.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with this infectious spirit, Kyle started giving readings with angel cards at age 15. At the age of 34, he has been called the ‘Angel Whisper” and written eight international bestselling books, and produced five card decks. He is from Glasgow, Scotland.

He believes that anyone can make a spiritual connection and does his best to support others on their journey to make this possible.

According to Kyle, we can have more than one guardian angel who may come and go. Kyle in one of his readings saw seven angels around one little girl..she had been ill seven times and been supported and protected each time back to life.

What I learned from this recent video is that many of us are fearful of calling in our angels. Why is this so? The answer is that we feel we are not ‘good enough” to have this experience!

We don’t feel ‘good enough’ to be seen. The angels see our goodness, even if we do not. Are you willing to be seen…



Suzie Alexander

I write about matters close to my heart, intuition, spirituality, "this happened to me", music, mental health, relationships, Love to Connect with you 💜