I Will Wait Till He Comes

No one knows when, but I’ll wait.

Jessey Anthony


Is It Worth Waiting for the Right Person
photo by freepik

How long have you stayed waiting for the right woman/man? Two years? Twenty? Or maybe Forty? Is it wrong to wait for the right person till you grow old?

A friend recently asked me the last questions and I was dumbstruck as if a cat cut my tongue. I want to wait for the right person. But I don’t want to wait till I’m old and wobbly.

I met Mama Jolie at a home shelter. She’s a dreary old lady, but with a warm spirit. She told me her love story. And for the longest time in my life, I broke down in tears.

How could she be so loyal? How could anyone be so pure and trusting? Was she naive? Was she living in denial? Or was she just a Saint out of heaven?

I envied Mama Jolie’s heavenly embodiment. She’s a true believer. She doesn’t regret waiting on her true love to return to her since they parted ways sixty-three years ago.

I admired her unwavering love and loyalty. You don’t meet people like that twice in a lifetime. I was present when she celebrated her ninety-sixth birthday. That was my first day visiting her shelter.

After that day, I started visiting her often. When I’m having a tough time, Mama Jolie is the first person I run to. She became my confidant, my mother, and my friend. I devour my…



Jessey Anthony

Motivational speaker, fitness enthusiast, and self-improvement nerd. See how I stay fit and confident: bit.ly/3j0Lm9Z