I Will Wait Till He Comes
No one knows when, but I’ll wait.
How long have you stayed waiting for the right woman/man? Two years? Twenty? Or maybe Forty? Is it wrong to wait for the right person till you grow old?
A friend recently asked me the last questions and I was dumbstruck as if a cat cut my tongue. I want to wait for the right person. But I don’t want to wait till I’m old and wobbly.
I met Mama Jolie at a home shelter. She’s a dreary old lady, but with a warm spirit. She told me her love story. And for the longest time in my life, I broke down in tears.
How could she be so loyal? How could anyone be so pure and trusting? Was she naive? Was she living in denial? Or was she just a Saint out of heaven?
I envied Mama Jolie’s heavenly embodiment. She’s a true believer. She doesn’t regret waiting on her true love to return to her since they parted ways sixty-three years ago.
I admired her unwavering love and loyalty. You don’t meet people like that twice in a lifetime. I was present when she celebrated her ninety-sixth birthday. That was my first day visiting her shelter.
After that day, I started visiting her often. When I’m having a tough time, Mama Jolie is the first person I run to. She became my confidant, my mother, and my friend. I devour my…