Prompt: Favorite Season

Is Nature Calling You to Grow?

The season of Spring offers that possibility

Angie Mangino
Published in
2 min readFeb 20, 2023


A swing is in the foreground on a flowering tree in Spring by a path of trees. Further down the path 2 adults and a child are walking together.
Photo by Lucas Davies on Unsplash

All the seasons have their purpose in life for me.

If I am to choose my favorite, it would be spring.

Spring brings us out of the cold and darkness of winter, offering hope once again as nature shares the signs of new life.

Being Me: The seasons of life was where I broke my writing career into their four seasons.

Written for A Taste for Life in celebration of International Being You Day I asked a question.

“Have you ever thought about your life not in years and labels, but rather as four seasons?”

In that article I shared:

“In my spring,

my birth held the promise of every possibility.”

New life indeed holds that promise.

Each spring brings out that inner child in me. It’s a time when I recapture hope.

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Angie Mangino

Angie Mangino is a freelance journalist & author. All about her at Become an email subscriber