
It Takes Patience And A Discipline Mind To Focus While Reading

Let’s read…It is 1st March 2022 today!



Photo by Doz Gabrial on Unsplash

Sahil Patel started the reading ‘marathon’ backed up by Marilyn Glover’s encouragement to make this month of March reading more. And I conquered with their ideas.

You would like people to read as much as you wrote. It made the difference when you allowed time for reading. I learned that I needed to intend for reading. And when I made time for it, it happened.

Today, I read 10-articles from Ana Strucic. Let me walk with you 6 out of 10 articles Ana had written. We all learned from each other, didn’t we?

Many people I read on Medium wrote about their divorce, abuse, or encounter with a narcist. I lived among them daily. But these character disturbances had been observed between some psychological disorders and spiritual sickness.

I learned from Ana’s article here. I wrote best in my lowest time. It would not be possible if I did not spend a bit of time humming praise and worship songs. I reflected whether I wrote when there was a storm to ease or during the peace of mind. What about you?

2-matters struck a chord in me when I read this piece. A therapist 1st began with knowing they did not fail should their patients choose to change therapist. I like that. Your customers, patients, clients, and whoever else it could be were not your success metrics.

If counseling and therapying involved the family, it would be a challenge and tricky case when someone kept bullshitting over their testimonies. You would meet complainers who lie to make the whole episode another person’s fault.

🌅My mentor Alberto Garcia slept early, and he woke up with a smile. 🌅

I slept early for the past 2-days too. And I woke up sleepy. Why? Because I had been spiritually low. I depended on cold flu tablets to help me sleep. It used to be amitriptyline pills when I was in my 20s that helped me sleep well and wake up the next day like I was on a cloud-9. I was prescribed it by my neurosurgeon due to a frequent migraine headache.

Nobody liked to be labeled as having a fling or scandal, right? But this article spoke a volume about another different form of “fling”. It referred to our Mr. and Mrs. Consumerism in spending our monies. Of course, it would not be the same when you worked with meager pay where your money went to your dependencies like your parents or siblings, and you did not get to live your life. I knew how depressing it could be.

I believed most of you had been through life thinking success had to be a University scroll in your hands, adorned by the grad cloth with cap and a managerial seat. After I left Yemen, I view life differently. There had never been success or failure in the world we lived in. Either we completed something we began with, or we did not. The difference was in what we learned from it.

These were 6 out of the 10-articles I read from Ana. I kept within a time limit because some of us had a short attention span. Others read while commuting to work via a small screen. For me, it took a lot of patience and a disciplined mind to focus reading.

Do you remember what you read an hour later or the next day?

🐻I hope you do enjoy Ana’s articles. 🐻




Author who wrote about Life in Yemen | Writer on Medium with Random Topics | Catholic by Faith