Lessons from a Zen Fountain

Searching for Myself In Nature — Finding it in Others

Nin Abayata
3 min readMay 15, 2023


An image of “Pasilong” by ABSCBN News

The first blush of dawn kissed the morning sky. I found myself at a park, cross-legged next to a Zen-inspired fountain. I wasn’t there on a spiritual quest, mind you. I just needed a break from hunching in front of the computer.

But once there I thought, I might just give it a try. Part of me was also hoping that I’d find my “self” in this little adventure, whatever that means. I just felt I needed the solitude.

I just thought I should probably visit the park early morning to have “time with nature” and hopefully find myself in the process.

Did I hope to find myself in the midst of leafy trees and dew-kissed grass? Maybe. But there I was, with nothing but the chirp of birds and the gurgling of water for company.

My life for the past few weeks, much like a roller-coaster, was going through some serious ups and downs. There were days I felt like a rockstar, and then there were others when I felt like the last kid picked for the team.

It reminds me of the time when I joined the softball team in high school last minute before Intramurals. I haven’t hit a single ball, but they needed me for the head count — even if I was the kid who couldn’t hit a ball to save her life!

Like impostor syndrome, life was throwing curveballs at me and I was beginning to question my batting skills. I was judging myself and I was starting to wonder if the wandering mosquitoes are judging me too.

Sitting by the fountain, occasionally being misted by its algae-infused spray, I began to have a strange feeling. It wasn’t the serenity of nature that was speaking to me, though it did make a rather lovely backdrop. My gaze shifted from the fountain and towards the people who were sharing this space with me.

Like me, they were drawn to this urban oasis, each for their own reasons. Some were snapping selfies, looking like tourists in their own city. Others sat in silence, their faces turned towards the rising sun. I saw smiles, I saw frowns, I saw a thousand different expressions that hinted at a thousand different stories.

I started to wonder about their lives. Were they too dealing with bills that were as stubborn as a mule? Did they too question their life choices over a cup of Nescafe in the morning? Maybe they too were hoping that the Zen vibes from the fountain would do a bit of soul-searching for them.

I felt a wave of compassion wash over me as I observed these strangers. From the ones who were effortlessly basking in the morning sun to those who seemed to be carrying a cloud of their own. We were all there, under the same sky, sharing the same moment.

We often look to nature to find ourselves, but that day, I realized that we also find pieces of ourselves in observing others. In their struggles, in their joys, in their silent contemplation by a Zen fountain. And sometimes, in their equally confounding choice to be in a park at the crack of dawn.



Nin Abayata

I'm a marketing and design creative. I love writing about authenticity (in marketing and life) and the human condition... as a way to make life a bit bearable.