Love Is All You Need In Life

A Reciprocal Prompt — What’s love for me!



Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

It makes perfect sense that this week’s prompt is about Love! Hope you had a good Valentine’s Day!

I was super excited to start writing this article because for me Love is everything we need in this life!

Life is so much better with love in our hearts and can be shown in many ways, not just between couples.

Love can be family, children, friends, although when we talk about love we always remember couples.

For me, love is sharing and care, nurture, support, help! There are no rules in love or bad things.

Life is good when you spend your time with someone who fill your heart! And that’s the true! Love really rules the world and if If there was more love in this world, maybe there wouldn’t be so many of the misfortunes we are used to hearing on television news!

We have to learn to be more loving with each other and not be so bad.

Love in hearts is the key to a better world!

Of one thing we have to be sure, love doesn’t hurt, Love does not humiliate and love leaves no doubts.

Don’t forget to love more often and stop being loved ❤️




The Creator of "The Stardust Club" Publication. Show me your support @martahenriques46