Make More Money Online By Using My 6 Amazing SEO Optimization Tips

My favorite 6 online and offline SEO optimization tips to raise my brand awareness

Patrick OConnell


pic shows scrabble tokens that spell “SEO”
Photo by NisonCo PR and SEO on Unsplash

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I have posted articles on search engine optimization (SEO) in my prior articles on Medium, but I thought writing more about new things about SEO will be of immense help in assisting you in increasing the money you can make online!

To get the needed targeted traffic in search engines such as Google, you need your blog, and your post to prominently show in the top ten search engine results.

There are also tools to determine the rank of every keyword in key phrases to be used in the titles and first paragraph of the post to be able to get high ranking.

There are two factors affecting the search engine ranking of a blog:

· on-page and

· off-page optimization.

The former means that you have to make use of high-ranking keywords to be used on your post (meaning putting it in the title or the first paragraph of the text) and off-page optimization which is getting quality backlinks pointing to your blog and its pages.



Patrick OConnell

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