One Simple Reason To Stay Positive When Bad Thing Happens

It could be a blessing in disguise

Published in
3 min readApr 22, 2022


Someoneā€™s head was wearing a plastic beg and hold two half-cut oranges on his two eyes
Photo by Elīna Arāja from Pexels

There is this fable:

A man lost his horse, he cursed his bad luck

A few days later, his horse came back bringing along another horse to him.

Now, up to this point he is considered lucky, right?

His only son loved that new horse and rode on it,

Too bad this young man fell from the horse and broke his leg, the man cursed his bad luck

The supposed lucky event becomes unlucky now.

A few days later, the king commanded all the young men to go fight for war,

His son was excepted because of his broken leg.

Now this seemingly unlucky event had protected his son from dying young.

The moral of the fable

So you could see the continuous turn of the event, the bad turned to be good, and vice versa.

Itā€™s hard to tell at times the sequences of the events in life.

Some seemingly bad things may turn out to be actually a blessing, and vice-versa.



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