Rain Sustains Our Lives

This is a Reciprocal Prompt for the last week of January



Photo by Filip Zrnzević on Unsplash

When I saw the new Reciprocal prompt this morning I was super excited because I love rain!

Today I’m going to do this prompt that made me super happy and I’m going to start talking about the rain itself! Rain for me is synonymous with life. Make it grow, feed the world, feed the crops and quench the thirst of the people around the world.

Rain moves the world and without it we would not be reading and writing about it right now.

Sometimes I like to think of rain as something that washes the soul, I like to think that rain washes away the sins of humanity and when it wets us, it washes away our soul too.

Since I was a child, I have a very close relationship with rain. I always felt good listening to the rain falling, who never isn’t true?

Many people complain about the rain but without it we wouldn’t be here, that’s the reality, We have to be grateful for it and enjoy it as much as we can and make the best of it that we can!

I am very grateful when it rains and when I was a child I used to jump in the puddles of water and I remembered once that I was a kid in a yellow Raincoat playing outside in the rain and thinking about how rebellious I was being, that when…




The Creator of "The Stardust Club" Publication. Show me your support @martahenriques46