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Reciprocal February Stories Edition

Stories that touched the heart of readers

Sahil Patel


Photo by S O C I A L . C U T on Unsplash

Happy March to all the “Reciprocal” writers and readers!

Even though we are in the third month of the year, it feels like the year just got started. Time flies by. We had a wonderful month in February because we received several fantastic stories all throughout the month.

I appreciate each and every one of you for sending Reciprocal your well-considered and imaginative stories.

I’m going to share some of the most popular articles with you today.

“It's like everyone tells a story about themselves inside their own head. Always. All the time. That story makes you what you are. We build ourselves out of that story.”

--Patrick Rothfuss, author

The very first piece that I am including here is written by Angie Mangino about nature.

She shared an article about her favorite season, spring, and how it brings new possibilities into our lives. You will love reading this beautiful nature story.

The other story from Patrick OConnell which nearly received 400 views in which 80 percent of the story’s views are internal. Patrick is a constant supporter and contributor to Recirprocal. I am glad to have him in this pub. I am always grateful to Patrick for his constant support.

Here, you can read his informative article about getting more engagement on his articles and blog posts.

The third story is written by Shereen Bingham and also received more than 300 views. A delightful read about why beans are magical Here, you can read the beautiful story.

Another beautiful article written by Connie Song about the most beautiful love song

Shameem Anwar shared a very powerful article about how you can unleash the hidden powers and capabilities of yourself.

Naleen Mitchell shared a cautionary tale of irresponsible pet purveyors, injured children, and a marriage in shambles.

This is a delightful and very lovely article about my favorite season, written by one of my favorite nature lovers, Dr. Preeti Singh, that you would enjoy reading.

Carmellita shared a profound article about how meaningful conversations about love and life can inspire us. It was a very deep and thoughtful read about life.

I look forward to reading and publishing more of your stories!

You can read more about how to become a writer for Reciprocal here if you’d like to join this friendly community.

@Sahil Patel,2023

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Sahil Patel

3× Top Writer in Poetry| Reading | Inspiration.