“Reciprocal” — Find the support you need to succeed.

We can get to grow bigger and accomplish more if we work together.



Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash

I’m proud and grateful to be a part of this online community of writers. It’s been so helpful in improving my writing skills and understanding the importance of support.

I’ve made some uplifting friends and I’m always curious to see what everyone is working on. I wasn’t sure if anyone would want to read my work when I first started out.

My first story was published on Medium and I wrote it. Yay! I was overjoyed when people began to leave comments and provide feedback. It inspired me to keep writing and to improve my craft. I’m glad I followed through!

If fear had stopped me, I would never have met such amazing people as Jan Sebastian, whom I now consider my friend. Jan is funny, well-liked, and extremely supportive. I was so fascinated by her stories that I sent her a Facebook friend request which she graciously accepted! Thank you very much!

By sharing with you my first steps here I like you Sun to know that, no matter how scared or alone you feel, there’s always someone out there who wants to help you succeed.

Because of my reading addiction and “big mouth,”(commenting) I had the pleasure of meeting Sahil Patel, the…




My incurable “idiotic” autoimmune disease inspired me to write and inspire others to live extraordinary lives while allowing my voice to be heard. Love Laughing