Seize the Sunshine

Reflect your inner light

Mia Verita
Published in
7 min readApr 8, 2023


Light Reflection. Photo by author. Port Vincent, Louisiana

Golden rays of light
The world basks in warm delight
Sunshine brings new life
Mia Verita

To explain the significance of sunlight in my life, I’ll briefly tell you about an event that happened many years ago. Although the story appears bleak, the sun always rises again after the rain.

Many years ago, my college boyfriend sat in my living room and told me that he thought he loved someone else. I looked him straight in the eye with a smile and said, “The sun will rise in the morning and set in the evening with or without you. It’s time for you to go.” He was shocked by my response, and so was I. That was a defining moment in my life. To me, the rising and setting of the sun represented the brevity of life. Life is short, and I didn’t want to waste another second of it.

Shining Sunlight. Photo by author.

The sun is one of nature’s greatest measurements of time and life cycles. Our circadian rhythms respond to the sun’s light/dark cycles, causing us to become more alert with light and signaling us to fall asleep in the dark. Not only…

