The Basis of Individual Reflects Social Ethics!

Human Society Cannot Be Managed Like An Enterprises

Shameem Anwar


Picture On Unsplash By Antenna

In order to lead a fulfilling life, both personally and socially, humans require several non-material objectives. Every social system requires individuals to have several common objectives, which are necessary for true social life. This is because social life is based on cooperation and achieving common goals, both material and spiritual. material and spiritual.

The formation of commercial or industrial companies involves pooling capital and labor.

Human society cannot be managed like a company because it is fundamentally different from a business. While some, like Bertrand Russell, believe that social ethics are based solely on individual interests and view it as a contract between individuals to protect their own interests, we disagree. Russell offers an example to support his argument.

He says: “I wish to get possession of my neighbor’s cow, but I realize that if I do so, his reaction will be to seize mine, and another neighbor, too, may do the same. Thus, instead of getting a profit, I suffer a loss. So I consider it advisable to respect his rights and let him keep his cow, so that I may.

Russell believes the basis of social ethics to be respect for individual rights. We…



Shameem Anwar

A Persistent, Passionate & Enthusiastic Sales Manager. ( Not limited to Sales, but touching all aspects of Life )