The Eagle Swooped On Down

Nature Prompt: Third Week of August: Emotions of bird watching

Kerrie Gutierrez-Diaz


Photo by Ray Hennessy on Unsplash

The eagle swooped on down into the river to catch a fish is such an amazing site.

I only wish my hands were not full at the time so I could have caught a picture of this amazing site. I was just in awe for a few minutes after seeing

Fishing daily we get to sit in the middle of the lake and hear nothing but wildlife. I could live out there. Even when we go to the river and catch fish watching the loons fly past doing their calls. Birds all over flying back and forth doing what they do.

Lawrance Lake By my house picture taken by the author

Watching nature from this spot is so amazing. I get to watch every different bird that flies by. I love to throw my fishing pole in and watch nature around me for a bit. I just can’t get over how amazing it is. All the living and breathing animals, the trees. The ducks are fishing most of the time we are out fishing.

duck wanting to catch a fish too. picture taken by the author.



Kerrie Gutierrez-Diaz

Mother, Wife, Grandmother, I am on this writing journey like many of us here on Medium. Working on an ebook about one of my many interests in 2023.