India | Population

The Impact Of India’s Growing Population On Various Sectors

Navigating The Challenges and Hardships of The Country

Sahil Patel


Photo by Rob Curran on Unsplash

India is a diverse country with a rich cultural heritage and diversity. At the end of April 2023, India overtook China to become the most populous country with 1.3 billion.

As the population is growing, it comes with many hardships for the country in various aspects.

Resource Depletion

Every country has a minimum of natural resources such as land, water and energy. When the population grows, it creates immense pressure on these finite resources.

Poverty & Unemployment

In India, around 20 crore people live the below poverty line. In addition to this, around 23 crore people have an income of ₹375 per day. I have witnessed many unemployed youths in my hometown. People are increasing but jobs aren’t. The youth bulge, while indicative of potential demographic dividends, becomes a double-edged sword when educational and employment opportunities are insufficient to harness this demographic boon.

Environment Degradation

With rising population, it contributes to increased pollution, deforestation, and habitat destruction. It also puts pressure on the natural ecosystem which creates disturbances in natural resources.

To conclude, we all need to work together to understand and handle the population growth. If we come up with new ideas, work together, and focus on everyone’s health and happiness, India can use its growing population to make life better for everyone and create a future where everyone can thrive.

I would like to give a shoutout to Dr. Preeti Singh for sharing the delicious recipe of Khichuri.

Yana Bostongirl shared a 100 words of drabble. Don’t know what is drabble. Read her below story.

