The Magical Questions that Cause 2 People to Fall in Love: Answered!

Ever wonder if there’s a formula for falling in love?

Ilana Lydia


A human face with glowing paint spattered on it in black light
Photo by h heyerlein on Unsplash

In 2015, the New York Times published an intriguing story. They claimed that there are 36 questions that will lead to love between any two folx.

I read a story by Kiki Lu Johnson recently which examined some of these questions. I thought it was such a good idea, I’d give them a whack too.

But first, I’d like to look at the NYT’s premise. Could there be a set of questions that reveal so much about a person that they would lead to love? And how could these questions work for everyone? Wouldn’t they be different between couples?

I’m not sure I agree that one set of questions is a one-size-fits-all situation, but I love the idea that it’s questions which lead to closeness and increased empathy towards another person, instead of, say, monologuing or watching TV together.

On with the dancing girls!

Set I, Part 1

1. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?

Of living people: Doctor Who writer and showrunner Steven Moffat. He managed to weave one of the most complex…



Ilana Lydia

A theater person/writer/reader of curiosities. A believer in wonder.