Humanity Witnesses an Epic Northern Lights Show

I’m so happy that millions of others saw it as well

Jillian Amatt - Artistic Voyages
Published in
8 min readMay 13, 2024


My friend's camera accidentally flashed as I snapped this photo. It brought out a cool effect by lighting up the closest tree. All photos taken with iPhone 11pro. Photo by Jillian Amatt - Artistic Voyages

It’s hard to describe what it’s like to witness the Aurora Borealis, more commonly referred to as the Northern Lights. This is probably why people seek them out and spend thousands of dollars on journeys to find them — they want to witness the spectacle for themselves because being there in person is certainly worth the hype.

Growing up in the Rocky Mountains of Canada means that the Northern Lights have always been a part of my life. In fact, my partner Chris mentioned, after seeing this last round, that as a kid he thought they were boring. He didn’t understand what all the fuss was about. Of course, with his new worldly perspective, and without the indifferent attitude that he had as a kid, he understands full well how lucky we are to be able to witness this marvel of the universe firsthand.

While many millions of people got to see them this past weekend, I have been fortunate to see them many times in my life. However, this most recent show was certainly much different than the rest.

First off, I have never seen so much pink! Usually, the main color on display is green and we occasionally get glimpses of purples or…



Jillian Amatt - Artistic Voyages

I seek new experiences and share my life as an artist, traveler, foodie, gardener, and serious steward of our beloved planet. Life is short, let's get busy!