The River Never Stops Just Like Life Itself

The River Reciprocal Prompt



Photo by pure julia on Unsplash

I really like to compare a river with life itself.

The river is a stream of water that is always in constant motion.

The water never stops and is never the same, no matter which way you look.

Life is like that too, it never stops and it’s never the same because again, it’s in constant motion, it never goes backward, only forwards.

Nature and life have very similar aspects, nature always follows its path, the river will flow into the ocean, and life also takes us to the end of our river.

My country house is in the middle of a forest very close to a small river and the water running its way can be heard very well from my backyard and it is simply relaxing and makes us connect with Nature. Not to mention the force of water flowing in a river is just amazing, as if all the water molecules are pulling in the same direction, it kind of reminds me of fate.

It’s amazing how surprising nature can be and completely connected with life itself!

This is my

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Sahil Patel




The Creator of "The Stardust Club" Publication. Show me your support @martahenriques46