The Roots of My family are Thin
The roots of my parents are thin and I was never taught much about my ancestral background.
The roots of my family are not very thick. I think that they are thin. My parents did not teach any ancestrial traditions or anything to do with our many ancestries we have in our family history.
I was told that I had ancestors from a few different countries. French, Norwegian, Swedish, German, and Polish. I think there could of been another but I do not remember since I was never taught much.
I know my grandmother on my dad's side was half polish. I know my father on my mother’s side is german. I do not know how much german. I was never told that. I was never told a lot of things which leads me to believe our roots are thin. Thick roots to me are what keep our heritage going. I basically know nothing. The only reason I know and remember this little bit is that I did a family tree in school many, many years ago.
I do have to say even though my family did not teach me about where my ancestors came from besides just my grandparents. I still had good parents. They had their faults like many parents but they did raise me right. They raised me to know right from wrong and taught me good things and some bad, so our family seems to start from my parents.