The Wake-Up Call That Forced Me to Prioritize Self-Care and Find Balance in a Busy Life

My Journey From Exhaustion to Self-Care: How I’m Learning to Make Time for My Inner World and Why It’s Essential for a Healthy Life



Photo by Kinga Howard on Unsplash

It started with small signs like feeling exhausted all the time, having trouble sleeping, being irritable and feeling generally disconnected from everything. But I ignored this reality, thinking was a part of a busy lifestyle and tried to pivot, adapt and push through. However, my body had other plans. It was too little, too late. I collapsed, not just once, and ended up in the hospital.

It didn’t happen overnight.

In fact, this outcome was years in the making.

I have always been a high achiever of sorts, constantly juggling multiple responsibilities and tasks. I showed up for everyone else, but never myself.

While this drive and determination to be present for others was often well received and appreciated, it came at a cost no one knew about.

I never made time for myself and my inner world.

If I am being brutally honest, I convinced myself that self-care was a luxury that I couldn’t afford. But little did I know that this…




Inspired by family; passionate about community. Doing what I can to make someone else's day a little brighter.