My New Year Resolutions List- 2022

Afsha Ayaz
Published in
8 min readDec 28, 2021

It has been two years since the entire world has been hit by the Covid-19 Pandemic. Since then, many things are going online. While doing so, a huge number of people have suffered a loss, loss of business, or loss of their loved ones. Speaking about India; with the start of the new year, things are changed. Schools have been resumed, theatres, shopping malls, markets have started. With the beginning of the new year, I wish every one of you reading this article, a bounty of happiness and luck.

Have you all listed your new year’s resolutions for 2022? Not yet! Do it as soon as possible because there are hardly any days left! A new year is always left incomplete without a long list of resolutions that you promise to fulfill by the end of the year. I am ready with my list already. The list might not be as long as you expect but for me, they are too many. So, let’s take a quick peep into the list!


Write a minimum of 25 articles of Medium.

I know this is a very small number and this is too little. Some writers exist on Medium who can write this number of articles just in a single month. As I have mentioned in my previous posts that being a student as well as a writer together feels uncomfortable. I only do blogging because that is a part of my hobbies. I do not do blogging for earning money. As most of you are aware that the MPP (Medium Partner Program) has its list of countries in which writers are paid. In that list, India is not mentioned. I have lost the hope of earning money through Medium until Stripe is not launched in India. But only because I enjoy writing, I am here! 25 articles might sound very less to you but now you know, why does this number sound too much to me. But since it is my resolution, I will work hard in order to complete it by the end of the year.


Have one day in a month which is productive.

I am the kind of girl who is very lazy. My day is as usual as any other normal human. I wake up, I attend classes, I write articles, I eat and I sleep. There is nothing very special in my daily routine. Now, that same boring routine will continue no more. With the start of the new year, I have promised that I will have one day monthly which will be productive for which I will have to maintain a timetable. Doing the same process for one year, it will sum up to 12 days. So, I will no more have to define my day as ‘BORING’. I know twelve days won’t make any big change. But, I have a motive in life. That is- “Huge changes start with a tiny step”. Keeping this motive in life, I have taken a tiny step and I am hoping that it soon makes a huge difference.


Read a minimum of four books over the year.

As you are aware that I love reading. But the only problem is that I read a book only once. After reading it, I never even touch the book. That’s because the suspense is already revealed. So, I have chalked out a plan for myself. I will read four books over the year. But, I will be reading it online. Yes, this is the only way I can save books. Whenever you want to read a book online, you just have to search the book’s name in your browser. Don’t forget to add the pdf extension at the end. You can download the pdf and read it whenever and wherever you want to. In the online mode, I have only read a few books which include- Wings of Fire by APJ Abdul Kalam, 1984 by George Orwell and I am halfway through- The diary of a young girl by Anne Frank. Apart from saving books, this method is cost-friendly and your books will no longer be scattered on the bookshelf.


Participate in scholastic and co-scholastic events.

To be honest, I love studying! When I study, I feel like I am having power over the entire world. I feel like I am spreading my wings and flying high. Until now, I have participated actively in all my school events having my interest. If I ever had the chance to sit and count my certificates, I am sure I will just never stop! I am not bluffing myself but I am just being honest. I have over five medals and three trophies. In my new year chalked plan, I have listed this as a resolution because then I can collect all my awards and showcase them in my awards closet. I am soon planning to buy a cupboard which will carry all my awards. This is my dream for a very long time now. But yet, I believe that you need not participate to win, you need to participate to learn.


Start making meditation an essential part of your life.

I have always heard that meditation increases your concentration. I always plan to meditate; I also mention it in my timetable sometimes. But eventually, I completely forget about it or I don’t get time. Can you just imagine, I do not get ten minutes for myself! Probably because of family distractions or something else. I do not have the craze for meditation like others. But, because many people speak about its benefits, I also look up to myself and plan to start meditation. Just because I have planned to do it, I have also listed it in my resolutions list for 2022.


Improve your communication skills.

It would not be wrong for me to say that I am an Introvert. Physically, I cannot speak with anyone freely when I meet them for the first time. It is altogether a different story with family members and friends. I search for different ways by which I can improve my communication skills. But, I don’t get ‘real tips’ for that. I would be very glad if you could spare some time and drop down suggestions to improve my communication skills.


Make the Earth a greener planet to live in.

This is one of the most important tasks I need to accomplish by the end of the year. I got this inspiration from one of my friends. Her hobby is sowing seeds and planting saplings. I thought for a while; what if we both work together? Two people are enough to make the planet greener than the present. I too have always loved planting. I have a small home garden in my balcony which consists of a tomato plant, chili plant, Aloe Vera, and a few others too. These are only a few plants developed by me. I am planning to plant 100 more trees in one year.


Develop skills for writing better.

As you are already knowing that I am a beginner in the first place and I am not so advanced in the writing community. I have lately gone through a few YouTube channels that help beginners with their writing skills. They provide tips and tricks that fall useful whenever needed. A few of their channel’s names are listed below:

1] Ellen Brock

2] Big Think


It is such a blessing to have them during these tough times when I need them. Being dependant on them, I have listed this resolution in the list too.


Develop a new skill.

This is also one of the tasks I have to accomplish by the end of the year. I am procrastinating person; I prioritize those things I have to do first and forget about the rest of them. I know that this is a common habit in most of us. And, I am the one involved in this category. In my resolution list for 2022, I have a special mention of this task because I have; or specifically, I, need to change this habit as soon as possible. Apart from letting something go, I have another wish in mind. That is to master Mathematics. When it comes to exam marks, I am quite good at it as compared to class participation. In class, I don’t know how to solve the problem because everything is introduced newly. Before exams, I practice those sums solved in class. As a result, I get good marks. Mastering mathematics can be called as my yearly academic goal.


Become a pro at applying Henna.

For those who are clueless by the name ‘Henna’, I would like to say that it is nothing but something like a temporary tattoo. Anciently, it was popularized in India and Pakistan. One of the other names of Henna can be ‘Mehndi’. It is a very old tradition in India and Pakistan to apply Henna to a bride’s hands and legs. The texture is not liquid. It has a thick liquid texture. If you are eager to know more about henna, do drop requests in the response section. I will post a separate article that will have all the required information regarding henna, in detail.

Lately, I got inspiration from my mother to learn Henna art. I started learning henna art as a hobby at a very tender age. Maybe, around 8 or 10 years old. I do Henna art even now. I also have a huge collection of henna sketches. I would love to share them if the majority requests for the ‘Knowing more about Henna’ post. Until now, I am not very well versed with Henna art. I just do it for the sake of hobby. But surely, because I have listed this task in my resolutions list for 2022, I will practice more to become a pro at it.

Photo by Vitaliy Lyubezhanin on Unsplash

Anyways, we are done with the Top Ten New Year Resolution for 2022. I enjoyed writing this article. I hope you enjoyed reading this post as much as I enjoyed writing it.



Afsha Ayaz

I am a school student from Mumbai who is a passionate writer. Here to share my knowledge with the world!