Trees herald the Seasons

A rumination on the stability of time

Hermione Wilds Writes - Writer and editor
Published in
2 min readAug 31, 2023


Photograph is by the author

They say there is a time for everything.

A time to live and die, laugh and cry

to paraphrase a song lyric from a group called The Byrds.

It is time to answer a nature prompt. I haven’t written about nature in a while and I am in nature every day so it seems fitting I answer this prompt.

I was walking into town. As I walked in rhythm with my thoughts, I began to ruminate on the things I do in a timely fashion. Every day I walk, cycle, garden, do sit-ups write and read with the occasional day off.

When things happen on time they add a certain rhythm to our lives. This timeliness creates a disciplined life. I used to practise this when a young mum. I would plan my day accordingly, being sure to get things done. This routine worked for me.

It’s time

I would tell myself, and still do.

It seems to work for nature too. Every year trees sprout leaves in spring and shed them in the autumn. I look forward to the seasons even though they are short, and shorter now than ever.

It seems that time ticks over on the clock regardless of behaviour. And yet, things are a bit different. For one thing clocks no longer tick like that…



Hermione Wilds Writes - Writer and editor

Top WRITER: Art 2023; Editor; Awards nominated writer; MA., B. A; Author; soft landscape gardener; editor of 'All's Well' & 'Shoe Love Mag''. Mum to 5 adults...