When we open our hearts

What Can Insensitive People Teach

Apparently, a lot



Photo by Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash

They say, ‘when you can’t figure out what you want, think of the things you don't want.’

This made a lot of sense to me.

One thing I definitely don’t want is insensitivity around me, or me becoming an insensitive person.

When the world seems too insensitive for your nerves, do you become overtly inward, and protective, stop stepping out to protect your own heart? If you are anything like me, you are not alone. Most souls are sensitive souls.

I believe those who are not, haven't yet begun the journey towards themselves.

Photo by Mary Taylor: https://www.pexels.com

A few things to learn from people who are insensitive:

It’s not about you

Many times, or in fact most times, it may seem as if you have done something wrong. That could be one of the purposes of their behavior. To make you feel guilty. Instead of dwelling on these feelings, I would say, look at them with compassion. But remember to remove yourself from them.

They have a long way to go

Whenever I encounter rude behavior outside my home, I remove myself from that situation. I do not engage in rude responses, them overlooking me, or them not acknowledging me.

This came to me, after years of struggle and years of not knowing what was happening. You have to understand that insensitive people have a learning to complete.

They need help

It is most certain, that if a person is unable to ‘see’ others, that person is in dire need of help. No no, not everybody is looking for help though.

These people are in denial about their own suffering and ignorance. Our reaction to them will only encourage them to hurt us further. Look away — walk further.

Who am I

They need help in figuring out themselves and their own feelings. It is natural that they go about hurting others because they are unable to put themselves in the other's shoes and think. They are unable to empathize since they need to find themselves, first.

Stop getting so affected

Each time you get hurt, get cornered, and cry foul, they get emboldened. Maybe it's their way of coping with situations. They don't know another way. It will take them to take the journey within to soften.

Just remove yourself

I use to be those people who would silently be hurt. I was a victim then. The day I realized there is a world full of people who are sensitive, and who are trying to be better humans, I set myself free of the bondage of relationships that were bringing me down.

I wasn't ready to suffer anymore. I wanted freedom.

Photo by Pixabay: https://www.pexels.com

Lastly, I do not want anyone reading this to think, this comes from a high standpoint. A holier than thou, stand.

I just feel some need to ‘dig deeper.’ They are happy floating don't the surface, making conclusions about everyone and the world. They need help.

🤷🏼‍♂️And Nah! Don’t be that sacrificial lamb🤐 and take on the task of changing the human. It is not worth it.

If I have learned anything, it is this ‘I do not have the remote control of a single life on this planet. I can only change myself and no one else.’

PS- Do you have any learnings, from insensitivity? I would love to hear in the comments section.

Adding a few authors I read regularly and some amazing new finds.

Gideon 6ix — I love his poetry. His work is in his own words, sometimes dark and sensitive to life and humans.

Ted Czukor — Ted writes stories full of life's wisdom. I read him quite regularly.

Savala Nolan — I found this article extremely apt. As it’s Halloween season and the celebration has spread to my country too, as Mac Donal has. It's everywhere. 😬




I am on Medium, to write and be part of a fantastic ever-evolving writer community. Email — neets.miss@gmail.com