What You Need To Know About Paywall Access and Digital News Subscriptions

The 3 Pros and 3 Cons of Relaxing Paywall Access

Patrick OConnell
6 min readSep 8, 2023


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Photo by Lucas Hoang on Unsplash

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Digital news subscriptions have become increasingly important for news organizations, with many implementing paywalls to generate revenue from their online content.

However, some news organizations have experimented with relaxing paywall access to increase their reach and attract new subscribers.

Thank you for joining me as I explore the pros and cons of relaxing paywall access for digital news subscriptions!

The pros

1 = The first benefit of relaxing paywall access is increased exposure and reach.

By allowing non-subscribers to access some content for free, news organizations can attract new readers who may be more likely to subscribe in the future.

2 = The second benefit is increased engagement.

By allowing non-subscribers to access some content for free, news organizations can encourage more engagement and sharing on social media, which can help to increase their visibility and reach.

3 = The third benefit is increased brand awareness.

By allowing non-subscribers to access some content for free, news organizations can increase their brand awareness and establish themselves as a trusted source of news and information.

The cons

1 = The first drawback of relaxing paywall access is decreased revenue.

By allowing non-subscribers to access some content for free, news organizations may lose out on potential revenue from subscriptions.

By adopting this in my substack newsletter, I know all too well about the decrease in income!

2 = The second drawback is decreased exclusivity.

Paywalls are designed to provide exclusive access to content for subscribers, and relaxing paywall access can diminish this exclusivity.

3 = The third drawback is decreased subscriber loyalty.

If non-subscribers are able to access some content for free, subscribers may feel that their subscription is less valuable and may be less likely to renew.

Conclusion — and The Takeaway

Relaxing paywall access can have both benefits and drawbacks for digital news subscriptions.

While it may increase exposure, engagement, and brand awareness, it may also decrease revenue, exclusivity, and subscriber loyalty.

News organizations must carefully weigh these factors when deciding whether or not to relax paywall access.

I hope you have found my article helpful in answering your questions concerning “The Pros and Cons of Relaxing Paywall Access”!

Please share your sentiments in the comments section.

Thank you for reading!

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Patrick OConnell

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