Announcing Reciprocity’s Slack Integration

Corey B
Reciprocity Community Blog
2 min readAug 12, 2022

We’re proud to announce that Reciprocity Community is available in the Slack App Directory.

Now Slack administrators can intelligently match their members’ Asks and Offers for help without leaving their Slack Workspace.

No need to make your members download a new app — meet them where they are!


When you add the app to your Slack, it will create a new channel named #reciprocity (which is an editable name) and prompt you to introduce the channel in another existing channel with an intro blurb. Then you pick keyword Topics that your members can choose to post under.

When members join the channel, the app messages them and asks them to pick which Topics of Asks and Offers they’d like to get notification for, and then walks them through making their first Ask and Offer for advice, introductions, or resources.

Asks and Offers in the #reciprocity channel are specially formatted messages posted by the bot that include information like Location, Deadline, and Why, which ensures high quality posts.


From there, the system will match Asks and Offers posted in the channel with other relevant posts, and DM both posters when there’s a fit, prompting them to reply to the original thread. That way third parties can benefit from the knowledge shared if they have the same ask, without having to repeat a post.

Within App Home on Slack, members can browse their Asks, Offers, Followed Topics, and Search by Tag. Administrators can also access a web-app dashboard which displays generosity metrics, most helpful members, statistics over time, and unresolved Asks.

App Home

Add Reciprocity to your Slack workspace to start your one month free!

