Prometheus — An Open Letter

Justin Streight
Reckless Speculations
11 min readJun 6, 2018


I’m setting the record straight.

See, we do talk.

I’m sick of waking up every morning and seeing the same lies over and over again. People actually think I’m chained to this rock because I stole fire. First of all, I’m not chained to the rock for the fire thing. Pick up a book.

Second, I didn’t “steal” fire. I used the idea of fire. I was inspired by it. You can’t copyright an idea.

This is going to come off as bitter. That’s fine.

But it’s the truth; the truth about the greatest creation, ever. Yeah, I said it — and you know what, I’m not the only one. Google it.

I’m going to tell you the story, and I think that every creative is going to understand exactly what I’m talking about. They’re going to know, in their heart, that this is how it really happened. Every creative who’s not a HACK, that is. They’re going to know this is the truth, because, this is the story that every truly great artist will, or has, gone through. Every artist says they suffer for their work, but most of those “artists” are just… well, walk into a Starbucks and tell me how many Shakespeares you find.

I’m going to begin at the beginning and end at the end. What a novel idea, right Hollywood?

I got my start at the Heavens. I was there from the very beginning.



Justin Streight
Reckless Speculations

I spend too much time in my own head and try to drag others there with me. Email: Youtube: