5 questions about Rubrix

Recognai team
Published in
2 min readJul 5, 2021

An introduction to our new open-source tool

What is it?

A human-in-the-loop tool for exploring, labeling and monitoring on data for AI projects.

For who?

  • Data scientists
  • Subject matter experts (depending on your organisation it could be a business developer, a linguist, a customer support manager, a lawyer, a marketing researcher, etc.)
  • Data engineer
  • Machine learning engineer
  • Your boss

For what?

A tool for exploring, sharing, labelling and monitoring data for data science projects.

What does it include?

  • A Python library enables data scientists, data engineers, and ML engineers to build bridges between data, models, and users, for data collection, model development, testing, deployment, and monitoring.
  • A web app for exploring and labelling data throughout your project lifecycle.

Why you will love it?

  • Easy to use Python library, which integrates well with any Python library and your existing workflows.
  • It enables transparency and collaboration during data science projects, letting you iterate and share your results easily with other members of your team (data scientists, business leaders, etc.)
  • A new way to label data combining human guided-labelling and programatic approaches like weak supervision.

Read the full article introducing Rubrix ( 🎆 a true sound and light show )

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Recognai team

We are a diverse team based in Spain. We built Rubrix, OSS tool for tracking and iterating on data https://www.rubrix.ml/