Join Love

Nathan Puls
Published in
4 min readOct 8, 2016

I have something juicy to tell you.

Something so glaringly obvious that it can be hard to see, easy to ignore. Like a forgotten, public secret.

I’m not just telling you. I’m telling myself.

Before I start, I’d like you to consume these words a certain way.

With the lens that we all live in the same universe but no two people see the same thing.

When you hear “love,” everyone has a different picture.

It may bring feelings of joy or pain.

Every word is connected to real-life experience.

When I say “love,” think of it in the best sense possible. Everything good in your life. The awesomest parts. The people, places, and things that matter.

Whether it be family, fun, adventure, spas, roller coasters, disney world, zoos, art, dance, music, sports, or an amazing book at the beach.

Consider everything you enjoy.

It’s connected to that word “love.”

There’s an energy and life behind it.

You may already be a Professional Enjoyer, but hearing about what’s “good” more than once never killed anybody.

If you’re sad, it is possible to enjoy your life.

If you’re happy, it’s possible to enjoy your life more.

It is possible to be content while the world is busy around you.

There are tools, skills, and perspectives we can grab hold of and hone.

Let’s take a peek

Having kindness as my number one goal has been a positive foundational shift.

Experimenting with living in the moment gives me the thrill of being on stage, fully alive wherever I am.

Honesty has always been my friend.

I melt and squiggle with joy when I’m real with others and they’re real with me.

Putting people above things brings me happiness.

At my best, I don’t care about money, power, fame, status, or impressing others.

At my worst, I know I shouldn’t care.

At my best, I’m soft and gentle with others.

At my worst, I want to want to be.

I’m able to be nice because others were nice to me first.

I copy everything from what was already there.

Nothing is “My Idea.” I merely mix colors like a kid in my own way.

We can’t own anything really.

We’re just rearrangers.

When we die others will rearrange that lego tower we tried to build up so high. So perfectly.

Everything was passed down to me.

Genetics from parents.

Faith from church.

Knowledge from school and culture.

I can’t claim anything as my own.

We only choose how to use the gifts we’ve been given.

I like doing what I love.

But even more, loving what I do.

I think life is more about how than what.

Focusing on how I do my job more than what my job is.

Do I truly care? Am I only looking at where I’m going? Who can I step on to get where I “need” to go?

Can I see where I am?

Who I am?


I want to live in the moment.

Dancing, sliding, singing from one magical space to the next.

In a boring blip I can orchestrate background music in my head with exotic instruments and charismatic choirs to amp up the excitement. Cartoon characters to can electrify the details with clever asides.

In a scary second I can call on waves of peace or something funny to break the ice.

That my friends, is mine.

No one can take that away.

We can slow down or speed up even if we don’t choose the scenery.


Not something I’m naturally good at. It can be fun to talk about ME but that in and of itself isn’t that interesting. I already know myself pretty well. It’s more fun to be curious about others. To zero in on what they’re saying. Not just the words, but the heart. To be infected with someone else’s passion. To be affected by someone else’s sorrow.

But…You can have joy in sorrow.

You can have hope in sadness.

Be free.

Freedom means you don’t have to let everything bug or anger you.

Freedom is having patience.

Freedom is having self-control.

Not being ruled by outside circumstances that change second to second.

Because then you’re actively deciding when and how to use your energy.

There are two camps.

Light and Dark.

Good and Bad.

Love and Fear.

Love includes everything good. Fear includes everything bad.

Where love is, fear doesn’t fit.

Where fear is, love hasn’t taken hold.

We all have scary moments. But you don’t have to stay there. Nothing forces you to stay there.

For me, my trust is in Jesus.

I know he shapes my life into something pretty. He is my friend and my king.

I am a silly servant.

But I like following.

I wouldn’t want to be in charge. I have not the slightest idea what is going on. But if I get told, “Do this.” I can do it happily. It’s simple. It’s easy.

Life is one step at a time.

One thing at a time.

One moment at a time.

All good things come from and point to God who is good.

So for every good thing in your life you can thank God.

No matter how bad it gets you still have the sunrise and breath in your lungs.

Well, until that day when you don’t have breath.

Hopefully on that day you’ll be holding on to something greater than yourself.

And even if you can’t hold on to anything.

Maybe He’ll be holding on to you.

Thanks for reading. If you wanna chat you can email, call, or text me.


Have a super sweet day full of penguins from the arctic.

