Productivity: Expectations vs. Reality

Is it possible to make these roads cross like I want them to?

Andy Baker
The Andy Baker Show


Photo by Matt Ragland on Unsplash

When I think of productivity, I have high expectations about what my life will look like. Then there’s the reality. However, no matter what, I continue to look for ways to make these two paths converge.

You can find articles about productivity all over the Internet. Experts offer seminars and talks. Friends offer suggestions. However, we generally know what it is that would make us more productive.

For example, I know that removing the notification from some apps or muting certain groups resulted in a lot less noise on my phone, which resulted in less distraction, which resulted in higher productivity.

I also know that actually turning off my phone (putting it on airplane mode) stops my phone from buzzing when I get text messages. I know that closing the cover on my iPad means that I don’t see when a news story pops up. Merely removing those distractions from my life increases my productivity.

No question.

But what else could I do?

The Pomodoro Technique

I’ve implemented the Pomodoro Technique for my writing recently. It keeps me seated, which is a huge help to me. I look at the clock…



Andy Baker
The Andy Baker Show

Writer, speaker, enthusiastic hobbyist, quirkier than one might expect.