Monitor progress indoors with 360 video

Derek Hoiem
Reconstruct Inc
Published in
2 min readJun 19, 2019
Reconstruct can now process your 360 video for a fast, easy, and comprehensive solution to interior progress monitoring and documentation. Shown are the photo locations and 3D point cloud aligned to BIM.

360 image capture is now a standard workflow for progress monitoring and documentation of interior construction and renovation. Reconstruct now streamlines this process and makes it more powerful using 360 video.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Capture a 360 video. We recommend using Insta360 and Garmin Virb.
  2. Upload the video into your Reconstruct project and click “Process” to generate a point cloud.
  3. Align the reality model to BIM using the alignment tool. (Optional)
Upload your video, click “Process point cloud”, and get back a 3D reconstruction with aligned images.

Our algorithms automatically select frames from video and create a 3D model of the scene with aligned images, called a “reality model”. When aligned to BIM, our system provides a 360 augmented reality experience, overlaying the 360 images on the plans.

BIM overlaid on the 360 image.

The image-based workflow of taking individual photos and using an app to place them on plans can take hours for sparse coverage of a single floor of a commercial building. Now, the same floor can be captured in 5–10 minutes with a 360 video, yielding denser capture and 3D registration of the images. This makes more frequent capture possible and provides more benefit for progress checks and visual QA/QC.

Customers with access to the beta release love this new ability and use it frequently. We are working on several enhancements to make it even better, including automatic alignment to drawings and BIM, a capture app to guide the process, and improved photo navigation across time and space.

Getting Started with Reconstruct

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Derek Hoiem
Reconstruct Inc

Professor at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Chief Science Officer of Reconstruct.