A Daughter’s Lesson On Love

Brian Jakowski
Reconstructing Christianity Together
2 min readMar 18, 2024


Tran Mau Tri Tam on Unsplash

When my daughter was a preteen woman-child, I wasn’t ready to let her become a woman yet, so there were a lot of tantrums and crying; sometimes, she was upset, too.

She was and still is obsessed with cats. Need proof? Read The Problem of Cat Paralysis. She slept with stuffed cats and plastered all our computers with cat pictures and wallpaper. We finally caved and got her a cat.

Loving like God

With Rachel, it’s not just cats; she loves all animals. Show her a skunk, hedgehog, or the pigeons trashing our courtyard, and you’ll hear,” It’s so cute.”

One day, I was thinking about how she seemed to love all animals the same when God whispered,

“Because she loves with my heart, that’s how I love you, how I love people, how I wish you’d love people!” Ouch!!!

In Matthew 5:46–48, Jesus said,

“If you love only those who love you, what reward is there for that? Even corrupt tax collectors do that much ..”

We all love babies and kittens, but who loves the Extra Grace Required People? The smelly drunk passed out in the street, or the person disfigured by horrible burns?

Who loves the unlovable, nasty people in the world? If we truly follow Jesus, we should, no matter how uncomfortable they make us! Romans…



Brian Jakowski
Reconstructing Christianity Together

I’m a retired chef, missionary and pastor. I write on what the Lord puts on my heart and a bit on food and travel