The Shadow, The Duck, And The Dane

Brian Jakowski
Reconstructing Christianity Together
3 min readFeb 28, 2023


Brad R. on Unsplash

In 2011, our mission base was in Maués, a backwater town of Brazil’s Amazon.

Our house quickly became a zoo.

There was a Cutia, think tailess squirel. Three Parrots, Arny the Armadillo, 16 chickens, a goose or two, and some quail.

There was also an Amazonian duck, Jekinha, and our Great Dane, Shield.

Jekinha was totally codependent on Shield and followed her everywhere.

If a stray dog entered the yard, Jekinha quacked frantically as she ran and stood under Shield, her refuge.

Feeling safe, Jekinha would turn and quack defiantly at the intruder.

This is a beautiful illustration of how God becomes our refuge when we reverently dwell in His shadow and make Him our fortress.

Fear Of The Lord Means To Reverence Him

Jekinha wasn’t scared to run to our Great Dane, but the invading dog froze, terrified of Shield.

Why did Jekinha seek refuge in what the intruder feared?

Because Jekinha knew Shield, she knew she’d be safe in Shields shadow.

Conversely, the intruder saw a dangerous foe and froze. That’s worldly fear.



Brian Jakowski
Reconstructing Christianity Together

I’m a retired chef, missionary and pastor. I write on what the Lord puts on my heart and a bit on food and travel