Soul Journey

Understanding Biblical symbolism

What the Numbers Reveal

Aaron Freeman
Reconstructing Christianity Together
18 min readFeb 22, 2024


All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: (2 Timothy 3:16)

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The Bible is filled with symbolism from beginning to end. Symbolism is when one thing is used as an illustration of another. The symbol represents an example of some other thing, person, place, or concept. Parables are examples of symbolism. They are symbolic of some greater meaning. So are metaphors. Numbers can be symbolic of further meaning.

The Bible is wrought with numerological significance which we’ll explore in a moment. Symbols are analogies in the true sense of the word. They are describing larger concepts of the greater whole by symbolically painting a picture in your mind. If your spiritual mind is open to this process, the analogy can take on a life of its own and portray elaborate scenes of the issue in question. Not only are the analogies symbolic in meaning from one concept to another, but the symbolism extends in different ways to differing levels or depths of understanding, of which there are seven depths of the Spirit.



Aaron Freeman
Reconstructing Christianity Together

Theologist, Author, Editor - Doing the work of God's ministry to show people the glory of His mercy and of His grace.