The Soul Plan.

Rashmi Kulkarni
Team Recon Subsea
Published in
3 min readJun 23, 2020

We all have had questions regarding certain unfavourable events occurring in our lives, haven’t we? I believe that on reading further you will most probably be in a position to reason all of this and start accepting what life has to offer. It is enigmatic but the ultimate truth!

Gautam Buddha, the enlightened, explained and propagated the Four Noble Truths to the masses. The first noble truth is that suffering, pain and misery exist in life.

Buddha himself knew that life on earth is full of hardships and miseries and even he had to suffer the hardships that he had chosen for himself!

Yes! He chose them. Buddha was a spiritual teacher who had a vision and purpose of educating the people about the ways of life on earth. His divine soul had a purpose that his body as Buddha had to serve and return to the Infinite Creator. His journey was not a cakewalk. Before attaining Buddhahood, Gautam Buddha was a prince born in a royal family. Renunciation of nobility and the attempt to make people believe in him was an ordeal but he had chosen it.

Here we come to the Soul Plan.

A soul is considered to have preplanned everything under the guidance of the angels and spiritual masters before it comes to earth. Then a question arises that why do we suffer and why does the soul choose the most difficult situations for itself? This is because we never come to earth to gain knowledge but to implement that knowledge practically. We all originate from the purest source. To appreciate the best and the purest, the soul requires to experience the opposite and earth happens to be the best place for that. The soul also plans challenges that will help it ascend spiritually and assist it in realizing it’s true potential. It learns with every experience that it has on earth as different incarnations.

When a little candle is kept in front of the sun, it will not be able to discern it’s potential. To help it perceive its true potential, a soul decides to plan a life that is full of challenges and sufferings or darkness.

Now we know the reason behind those relationship roller-coasters, health issues, financial ups and downs and so on…

The soul also chooses the people that will be involved in its plan and hence every person who comes into your life is for a reason and every experience that you go through is for a reason, its something your soul wanted! Remember, we come to Gaia(earth) to not only realize our potential but also help the others realize theirs.

So then should we all lose heart and feel sorrowful about how life on earth is?

That shouldn’t be the scenario.

We are all the children of the Divine Creator and we have to help our sibling souls reach their destinations, that is back to the Divine and hence by suffering we not only become wiser for ourselves but also for the people around us. We experience, look for ways to heal, grow and finally help the others going through the same situations.

This quote by Ram Dass reminds us of our mission.

We are all just walking each other home.

The soul plan keeps us reminding that the life we are going through is not what God or the Divine Creator made for us, it is what our soul wished to experience and we are the engineers driving our life experiences no matter where the track may lead. Learning from these events and growing should be our ultimate aim.



Rashmi Kulkarni
Team Recon Subsea

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