Am I A High Functioning Alcoholic?

John & Jane Derry
Recovery: Freedom From Addiction
3 min readJul 2, 2022

The High-Functioning Alcoholic

What do I do if I am a high functioning alcoholic? The most common form of substance abuse in North America is alcohol; it affects millions of people all over Canada, the United States, Europe and Latin America. Although it is very common, alcoholism is not always easy to spot. People may not suspect alcoholism if there are still two cars in the garage and an intact high-powered career. It is sometimes much harder for a successful alcoholic to accept that they have a problem with their drinking. Close family members may know your drinking habits. They may even be considering an intervention. Your spouse, child or parents may lay awake at night wondering about your alcohol induced antics while you are still in denial about your alcohol use. Sometimes the last person to know about the alcoholism is the person that has it.

The Bottle Hiding Behind the Successful Person

As a rule, the high-functioning alcoholic is warm, loving, charming, and extremely intelligent. The high functioning alcoholic has an incredible amount of willpower. How else could they keep their drinking hidden from so many people? A powerful career may seem to call for a lot of drinking to relieve the stress of important decisions and actions in the day or at the end of a long week, or on a business trip. Because everything looks good on the outside, not too many people will suspect a problem. But the high functioning alcoholic feels like they are standing on the edge of a precipice. If you cannot predict what will happen when you have a drink of alcohol, it doesn’t matter how big your investments or bank accounts are.

Should I Go To Rehab For My Alcoholism? It Isn’t That Bad, is it?

Why should I go to rehab for my excessive drinking habits? Won’t it affect my career? The thing about alcoholism is that untreated it always gets worse, it never gets better. In the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous, they talk about the Yet Club. It is for alcoholics that haven’t lost their job, their wife/husband or crashed their car, yet. They haven’t gone to jail, yet. People with long term recovery from alcoholism in AA know this is true. They see many examples of people come in to the rooms of recovery with lots of good things still going for them. But if the person goes back out drinking all the things they haven’t lost yet, they will lose. And what they may yet lose, is their life. The good news is that you don’t have to suffer right to the bitter end. If you are a high functioning alcoholic, going to drug rehab now, while everything still looks good on the outside may be the smartest and most courageous thing you will ever do. Alcoholism can be arrested — with good rehab.

High-Quality Alcohol Rehab and Treatment in Panama

Your reputation as a high-functioning alcoholic is very important to you. Going to alcohol rehab in your own community runs the risk of people knowing about your disease that might not understand. Do you want rehab on your medical record or on your health insurance plan through your company? Making a decision to go to an International rehab keeps your reputation safe.

Serenity Vista Alcohol Treatment in Panama is an excellent choice. Your confidentiality and anonymity is guaranteed. And we are highly skilled at helping people just like you. You will be treated with dignity and respect and be grateful you made the choice of getting help while things were still pretty good.



John & Jane Derry
Recovery: Freedom From Addiction

John & Jane Derry love their life of recovery, operating a small, private international alcohol & drug rehab in Panama, passionate about helping people recover.