The Week That Made Me Want To Ditch Four Years of Sobriety

Alicia Gilbert
Recovery International
7 min readNov 18, 2020


Last week I wanted to throw in the towel.

I honestly cannot recall the last time my sobriety was so tested. Sure, my toddler’s meltdowns have made me second-guess this whole sobriety thing, but never seriously.

It was how I articulated my stress about parenting.

“Man, this is a horrible time to be sober!” Chuckle. Wink. But I was never going to actually do it.

Last week was different.

There has been so much building up to last week.

I’ve been in and out of doctors’ offices for six years now trying to find a reason for the recurring inflammation in my eyes. For whatever reason, the effects of that inflammation have become increasingly worse in the last few months.

I can barely read my computer screen. The slightest hint of natural light sends an army of black dots scurrying across my vision. Other times, it’s like trying to look through a dirty window.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

There’s also the other stuff — things I’ve determined to be normal because I’ve had them for so long.

I’m constantly fatigued. My digestive health leaves much to be desired and I can’t…



Alicia Gilbert
Recovery International

Alicia is the founder of Soberish, a website that focuses on recovery, mental health, and wellness. Read more at